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COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS With the pressures of running a business today, it is very easy to overlook the effects of Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) on financial performance. Poor IAQ has been linked by many studies to reduced worker productivity and increased absenteeism due to sickness. The consequences in retail environments are even greater – poor IAQ […]
View MoreEDUCATION School systems in all types of geographies trust Filtration Group IAQ Products to provide a clean, safe and productive environment for our next generation and those teaching them. Regardless of the local climate, we have products to achieve the Indoor Air Quality levels needed by the students and Total Cost of Ownership demanded by […]
View MoreFITNESS CENTERS Conditioning the air within fitness centers has shifted focus from temperature and energy regulation— to now being focused on airborne toxicology upon re-opening amid COVID-19. Securing HVAC operations in fitness centers is of particular concern since the primary activities here are intended to benefit cardiovascular health and involve heavy degrees of human respiration. […]
View MoreGAS TURBINE Sensor Technology and Air Filtration Reduce Corrosion Events At Filtration Group, we constantly innovate and improve our technology to help make the world Safer, Healthier and More Productive. Despite recent events related to the Coronavirus pandemic, we are still receiving strong demand from customers who want the sensor installed now. Our services have […]
View MoreGovernment Facilities The current Coronavirus pandemic is a new challenge for government facilities that need to adapt to the rapidly changing circumstances. Local, state and federal facilities need to implement new measures to limit the amount of time that public spend in place while practicing social distancing. However, even with these new standards, it can […]
View MoreMost people would think the physical handling of archives and antiques would be the most detrimental to something so precious, but it might be the air surrounding them. Using the proper filters and change out schedule can eliminate molecular and particle contaminants that can ruin that precious work of art or timeless novel. Molecular contaminants […]
View MoreSENIOR LIVING As COVID-19 has spread around the world, airborne precautions are essential to combat indoor disease transmission through HVAC systems. It is of particular importance to secure buildings that house high-risk age groups who are typically immunocompromised by existing health concerns. As we learn more about how COVID-19 contaminates indoor air environments, replacing existing filters with MERV 13-15 […]
View MoreHEALTHCARE FACILITIES Healthcare applications are among the highest needs for high performing air filtration. So much can be at risk – the health of patients and the health of all the doctors, nurses and other support staff. From protecting a patient in surgery with a MERV 14 or higher filtration system and 20 air changeouts […]
View MoreINDUSTRIAL FACILITIES Filters do not just cost money – they consume energy. Selecting the right design of filters and maintenance interval for your factory or warehouse can minimize the total cost of ownership of filters. In selecting filters, it’s easy to hyper-focus on the purchase price and the changeout interval, as that costs money and […]
View MoreHOSPITALITY In the world of hotels & hospitality, the customer experience is paramount. Odors and stale air can drive customers away – and revenue. Having the right setup to deliver well ventilated, fresh, odor and particulate free air should be a priority in any application. From 10,000 sq-ft to 1,000,000+ sq-ft applications, Filtration Group IAQ […]
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